There was a lot of discovery. Wild Rose. Its berries can be eaten and used in jam. Barberry. Very tart, but tasty. Old sneakers. We can not eat it, but they look impressive. Sneakers became part of nature.
I was lucky, because together with staff of National park, I visited the reserve dunes. And even saw a rare plant from the Red Book of Lithuania.
In addition to the dunes, I saw many other attractions Nida. I visited one of the highest points in the park. From there a beautiful view over the dunes. I also saw a sundial, but I did not like. Amber Museum, Historical museum made a good impression.
On the instructions of the office of National park I and Olga walked through the dunes and forests in search of columns for the lottery. We had to check whether all the columns "alive." At the same time we have taken part in the lottery.
On the way we saw a monument for gliders and Nida artists colony and modern church of Nida.
Before leaving I and Olga did dumplings (kolduni) for staff office of National park.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to be in Nida. Nida, I will definitely be back ... :)
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