Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Scent of remembrance

Has it ever happened to you when you accidentally smell a certain scent and then memories just start to emerge?! I have always been amazed by this..

It has been almost three months since I came to Lithuania. I didn't notice when the time passed by - now it is the end of June, the weather is kindly disposed to us and gives us the opportunity to travel a lot. So pretty soon I was assigned with a new task - to go by bike to the small villages scattered around the park and to take pictures of small pieces of architecture like crosses and wooden carvings which are very typical for Lithuania and you can not see in any other country. That was the best thing I could possibly do – I am not very good with the camera but I really enjoy taking pictures so this was a chance for me to improve my skills and gain some practice.



And so I spent a couple of days riding my bike and discovering the beauty of Lithuanian countryside. The villages here are so small – some of them consist of only four or five houses, and still they are so beautiful – huddled up in the forest or basking peacefully of the sun on the shore of an undisturbed lake.

And the nature that surrounds you wherever you go with all of its sounds and scents contributes to your good mood! And so I am all by myself, riding my bike, enjoying the beautiful scenery and listening to the cheerful songs of the birds and then all of a sudden a sweet remembrance from my childhood reaches me from the dusted drawers of my memory. But what did cause that? I start to think and then I feel the scent of the blossoming lime-trees. Yes, it must be them – I remember the old lime-tree by my grandparents’ house. I also remember the savour coming through the window and waking me up for the carefree summer that lies ahead. But then I remember a cup. Yes, a cup full of linden tea which I hate so much. It is winter and the holidays are in between and I am again with my grandparents. But this time I am sick and my grandmother is making me drink this awful liquid I hate so much. But it is nice, you know, how she is bustling around the kitchen, worried about my sore throat. I remember the fire, roaring in the stove, and the cat, purring pleased in front of it. I would like to go through this moment again and yep, I would pour the tea again in the flowerpot when grandma doesn’t look! But this time I would also kiss her on the chick and tell her that I love her. 


And thus, lost in my thoughts I reach a very beautiful lake with a small bridge overgrown with rush. I stop to take pictures and to dip my feet in the cool water. I sit on the shore and frown at the burning sun. But then another memory brings back the smile on my face. And this time it is caused by a horse! You see, not only enjoyable smells can remind you of something. This time I remember myself waiting for my grandfather to take his daily nap after lunch so I can go to old Sabrina and give her some chocolates. He says sweets are not good for animals but she likes it so much that when she sees me she makes that funny toothy face until I give her some – how can I help it then?! Unfortunately I have only water in my backpack so I can’t treat this gorgeous.

Anyway I am well rested now and so I continue my trip. I visit a lot of beautiful places, talk with many nice local people (in a strange blend of Lithuanian, English and Russian language), take lots of pictures not only of the objects I am supposed to but also of everything that impresses me. And then I set off for home. As I ride through the forest I wonder what will remind me of Lithuania and my experience here. And then I sense it…the sweet scent of wild strawberries!

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